Oh, I could.
Could you, Rezzie? Could you, would you with a goat?
Thérèse -
I think the correct answer is no. I mean, I get the distinct feeling that I should answer no.
Colleen -
But the willingness to attempt it?
Apparently you can order your burger however big you want it.
Kinda bummed that we don't have an In & Out burger here....
Maybe it could be somewhere new for you to try when you move out to Cali?
Thérèse -
Ok, but I wouldn't be advised do it alone.
Or without a video camera.
Colleen -
I understand. Something that mythical needs proof.
Thérèse -
Yes. Cause that would be the obvious reason for documenting this particular feat.
That Cheeseburger is my Everest.